Soaking and Cleaning the Ears
1. Hold the ear flap up, and turn it over, forming a dish or funnel shape at the opening of the ear canal.
2. While holding up the ear flap, fill the ear canal completely with ear cleanser until a pool develops.
3. Allow this cleanser to sit and soak for 30 to 60 seconds to allow adequate contact time to kill bacteria and yeast.
4. Locate the ear canal under the skin. To locate the ear canal, run your finger from the point of the eye to the point of the ear, tracing along the sharp facial bone. When your finger falls off the bone, it is directly over the ear canal.
5. With your thumb and fingers, firmly grasp the ear canal from in front and behind and massage thoroughly, compressing the walls of the canal against one another. This allows any debris to be dislodged and float to the surface of the pool of cleanser.
6. Allow your dog to shake his or her head, then using a cotton ball or cotton cosmetic pad, remove any excess cleanser and debris from the outside of the ear. Do not place cotton swabs or any other items into your dog’s ear.
* This technique is also recommended for cleaning and drying ears after swimming and bathing.
Medicating the Ears
1. Hold the ear flap up, and turn it over, forming a dish or funnel shape at the opening of the ear canal.
2. Apply the amount of medicine directed on the label, dripping it into the deepest part of the ear canal.
3. Locate the ear canal under the skin. To locate the ear canal, run your finger from the point of the eye to the point of the ear, tracing along the sharp facial bone. When your finger falls off the bone, it is directly over the ear canal. Massage the medication downward with a milking-type motion. Start at the opening of the canal and work your way down to distribute the medication throughout the ear canal.
Ear Care Tips
- Check your dog’s ears frequently – at least once a week. Know what “normal” looks and smells like. If you notice any increased redness, swelling, discharge or odor, call the veterinary clinic.
- Clean ears after swimming and bathing to prevent ear infections resulting from water trapped in the ear canal.
- Dogs who swim every day need to have their ears dried with cleansing solution at the end of every day.
- Clean your dog’s ears as frequently as necessary for maintenance, but ONLY use medications if specifically prescribed by your veterinarian.
- Cotton balls or cotton cosmetic removal pads work very well for wiping out ears. Avoid using cotton swabs, as they can damage delicate skin and pack debris into the ear canal.
- To improve your dog’s desire to cooperate, clean and treat ears before mealtime, then feed your dog his breakfast or dinner as a reward for good behavior during cleaning.